10 Tips To Increase The Page Views For Your Blog

Bloggers who have a low percentage of page view might be wondering why their blog’s page view is so low and how they can increase the page view percentage. Increasing the page views of your blog is something which we all need to work towards if we want our blog to be more successful.

Page views is the term used when a visitors comes to our blog, how much page this visitors has viewed before he/she leaves.

Increasing the page views of our blog can be really simple if you follow the steps in this post.


Simple Tips I Used To Increase My Google Adsense Earnings

I have been playing around with my Google Adsense units for the past couple months, and I must say that not all units works well on my blog. Webmasters who use Google Adsense as a form of monetization will also come to this conclusion. No matter the amount of traffic that you have or how many Adsense you have displayed on your site, the Adsense unit does matter when it comes to earnings.

In this case you can truly say that “size does matter” when it comes to your Adsense units.

Google Adsense is a great way of monetizing your blog or website, but without the proper units and placement you won’t earn much in your Adsense account.

In this post I will show you what I did to increase my Google Adsense revenue/earnings.


How The Holidays Can Kill Your Blog

If you are a person like me who regularly checks the statics of your blog, I am pretty sure that you have seen the decrease of traffic from your blog during the holidays.

Why is this? Why does your blog lose traffic during the holidays?

This doesn’t mean that your blog readers has stopped reading your blog, they are on holidays/vacation. These are the times that most people take a break away from browsing the internet and take the time out to do other activities.

You might also be caught up in the spirit of the holidays that you even forgot to check up on your blog. You find yourself not blogging, not affiliate marketing, ignoring blog comments, not checking your email and the list goes on.

So what can we do to keep our blog up running while enjoying ourself?


Strategies I Am Taking To Win The BlogEngage Contest

Whenever you enter a contest you should be in it to win it.

This is my motto for the guest blogger contest at BlogEngage which is powered by Brian. On November 23rd, 2010 a contest was launched at BlogEngage with a share of $1,200 in cash prize to be won along with other great things to be had.

In order for me to win the contest, or at least stand a chance in winning, I had to have a few strategies for myself to take on this contest. All contests need a really good strategy in order to win and if you fail to do this then you will fail to win.

Here are my plans and strategies to winning this contest.


8 Reasons Why I Don’t Comment On Your Blog

I love making blog comments, because it helps to build up my blog’s backlinks so as to get more search engine traffic and also to get traffic from the blogs that I comment on. Blog commenting can also help to build your brand when commenting if you leave a great comment, rather than saying “thank you” or “nice post”.

But recently I have stopped commenting on a few blogs, I will not say which ones because I don’t want to start any drama. These reasons can also be said of other bloggers as well why they stopped commenting on other blogs.

So here are some 8 reasons why (not just me) people stopped commenting on your blog.


6 Reasons Why You Suck At Guest Blogging

Guest blogging has become come more popular in the blogosphere since it is a means of getting exposure in the blogging world, building backlinks, creating a brand for you and your blog, getting traffic and also just for the fun of it.

Not all bloggers have the ability to write excellent guest posts which have the readers begging for more. Plenty of bloggers suck at guest posting and that’s why the blog owners reject their guest post.

I have gathered 6 reasons why you suck at guest blogging. There might be more reasons, but I am only going to give you 6.


What To Do With Your Ideas…

What do you do with your blog post ideas?

Really interesting question. But how would you go about answering it? Well let me help you out a bit. The other day I came up with an idea for a great blog post but I didn’t write it down. So what did you think happened? I totally forgot what I wanted to blog about.

This is where I now got the idea to write a post on What To Do With Your Ideas…

For that great idea that I came up with for writing that blog post seemed like I just threw it in the trash. But that’s not what really happened. Since I started blogging I have started doing lots of reading and thinking in order to come up with new blog posts.
