Free Link Building Tips To Build Up Your Blog And Blog Traffic

Incoming links are an essential component of building a successful blog. Links give your blog more authority on Technorati and a higher Google Page Rank. Together, those ratings can make your blog more attractive to advertisers, which allows you to charge higher advertising rates. Additionally, as your blog grows in authority and your number of incoming links grows, your Google search engine rankings will rise, which equates to more traffic to your blog. With more traffic comes more ad impressions, greater potential for pay-per-click ads to actually be clicked on and ultimately, more money for you.

So the question is, should you participate in link building for your blog?

The answer, yes you should.

Your blog will only become more successful if you put out your best effort in link building. The more links you have then the stronger your blog will be.

In this post I will give you tips on 11 free link building tips.

5 Tips On How To Get More Traffic To Your Blog From Guest Post

You can get traffic to your blog by participating in guest posting on other blogs in your niche. But you can gain lots more traffic if you guest post on a blog that is high in traffic or if it has more traffic than your blog, which is also in your niche. Guest posting has been very popular these days and it continues to gain more popularity because it is one of the easiest ways to build backlinks, get loyal blog readers, subscribers, get comments on your blog posts and also to get other bloggers to guest post on your blog.

Getting traffic from guest post is one of the many reasons why bloggers choose to do guest blogging. Not all guest bloggers know how to milk the traffic that they deserve from the guest post that they contributed, but I will show you how to get more traffic.

In this post I will show you how you can get double or more traffic from your guest blogging article.


Questions That Most New Bloggers Ask And Answers Which Benefits Them

Everyday there is a new blogger entering the blogosphere and I love to see people converting themselves into a blogger. This new blogger can be compared to a young child, this is because they often have lots of questions to ask. A young child might ask the mother; Where do babies come from? Why is the sky blue? What are stars made of?And the list goes on and on. Bloggers are just like that. They often have questions about blogging and searching for answers to which will help them to become a better blogger.

I’m always getting email, Twitter tweets, Facebook messages and blog comments from new bloggers asking all sort of questions.

In this post I will share some of the questions that new bloggers ask and provide the best answers to them.
