Why Should You Be Passionate About Your Niche?

Being passionate about the niche that you have placed your blog in is really important if you want your blog to be successful.

No doubt you want your blog to be successful else you wouldn’t have made it in the first place. So this is why you should be passionate about the niche that you want to blog about.

I must say that I have found myself in wrong niches when I just started blogging and being in the wrong niche made me fail to accomplish achievement in that niche. I have now found myself in a niche that I am passionate about, blogging, which I must say that I have had great success with it.

A lot of new bloggers often found themselves in the wrong niche when starting out a new blog and can be a waste of time if you made a blog on a particular topic that you absolutely know nothing about.

So why should we be passionate about our niche?


5 Tips On How To Get More Blog Comments

On almost everyone of my blog posts I have some good amount of comments. Why is this so?

Am I making comments under fake names? No.

Am I asking others to leave comments on my blog posts? No.

Apart from giving my readers great contents to comment on, I have a 5 strategy that I use to get others to make comments on my blog post.

These are the methods I use to get comments on my blog:


Robyn Samuda

WebMaster Review: Robyn Samuda [Interview]

Today on WebMaster-Success.com I have a really great blogger here with me conducting my first interview. He is Robyn-Dale Samuda otherwise known as Sam from Sam’s Web Guide.

Sam is one of my good friend, a great blogger and also a fellow Jamaican.

I have choosen Sam as the first person to interview not because he is a fellow Jamaican or because we use the same blog theme, but because his blog is awesome and full of great information for anybody who wants to be successful webmaster and a better blogger.

Please check out the interview below… 


Tips On How To Sky Rocket A New Blog

My blog is doing really great and many bloggers are really impressed with the achievement of my blog so far. I am also happy with this level of achievement and I am going to be achieving many more great things to come in the future.

This is because I have put in a lot of work into this blog because I am determined to make my blog a success and to educate others on how they can make their blog a success as well.

In this post I am going to share with you what I did to get this blog off to a really great start. Getting this blog to where it’s at now was a lovely but challenging journey.

First Step To My Success

In order to get this level of success you have to take the word free out of my mind. This is the reason why I am on a WordPress self hosted blog. There is nothing better than self hosted and this is one of the 5 common mistakes new bloggers make.

I remember being on free hosting and waking up one morning to find my blog deleted with all my blog posts. All my articles were gone, never to be seen again. So my tip for you is to stay away from free hosting of all sort.


What To Do When You Are Not Blogging.

What to do when you are not blogging?

I am pretty sure that every blogger isn’t constantly blogging. Bloggers must take time away from his/her blog to avoid the blogger burnout syndrome.

If you are always blogging then one day you will burnout and have little or nothing to write about. Also if you blog everyday then your readers don’t have time to read your blog posts because you have flooded their inbox or rss reader with tons of posts and they don’t have the time to put the information to use that you have written in the blog post.

To avoid this you have to blog less and take the time out from blogging, do some other activities. There are lots of things you can do when you are not blogging. I am going to share a few things that I do when I am not writing blog posts.


Is Money Your Main Focus?

Is it bad to put money in the forefront of your mind if you are a blogger?

No I don’t think so. It’s a great way to escape the 9-5 work lifestyle.

But is it bad to think about make money blogging?

No at all. Most bloggers blog to make money and that’s the truth.

If you are delivering great quality contents to your blog readers and you are able to drive traffic to your blog then I guess it’s alright to think about the benefits of blogging. But where do bloggers go wrong when they focus too much on making money online? Really interesting question you might add.

I am going to help you to understand to to focus on making money while blogging and at the same time how it can captivate your mind to help destroy your blog.


Bad Blogger, Good Blogger: Who Are You?

There are many types of bloggers in the big blogging world, but only 2 will be mentioned in this post. These are the bad bloggers and the good bloggers.

I know this might seem kind of strange to you but it’s true. There are good bloggers and bad bloggers in the big blogging world.

Good bloggers builds up themselves, their blog, their readers and are very successful most of the times. But what about the bad bloggers? The try and break everything apart including their own blog.

How do you tell the difference between a good blogger and a bad blogger? Well let’s dig into this topic some more and tell them apart.
