You Will NOT Become Rich!!!

Many new bloggers think that blogging is all about the money making and the riches that comes with it. But what about the true passion for blogging? What about the hard work that you have to put in driving traffic? What about the content writing? what about the marketing? What about the research? What about the brain storming? Last but not least, What about the money spending?

Do you think that if you make a blog without having accurate knowledge about your niche and true passion for it will make you rich? Absolutely not!!!

Knowing that you can make a great deal of money by blogging, it can be quite hard to keep your mind off the money while you blog. You have to have a strong mindset so that you can keep focused on blogging and not the money.


Success With Google Adsense: My First Check

I am very happy and proud to say that on Saturday July 10, 2010 I got my very first Google Adsense check in the mail.

This is also my very first check that I have ever gotten in my life and it goes to show that hard work really pays off.

I would like to thanks Google for allowing me to participate in their program as a Google Adsense publisher and I look forward for more great things with them.

Here is a preview of my Adsense Check:


Promotion – Is It Important?

Promotion is another important factor of blogging and is really important for building up your blog. Apart from quality content you need to promote your blog to gain traffic to make your blog a success.

There are a number of ways that you can promote your blog. Through social media, blog commenting, buying advertisement space and the list goes on.

In one Oxford dictionary, the word promote means “to publicize and sell (a product)”. If you want to make money online as a blogger, no doubt, you would have to publicize your blog and get people to buy the products that you recommend to them.

But which is the best way to promote your blog and affiliate links?

(more…) – eCourse

I want to help you…

I want to help you… to become a better blogger and to successfully make money online.

Yes, I want to help you and your blog become successful.

I have been successful online with this blog and I want to help YOU to be successful as well, so I am going to work with you and coach you to become a successful blogger.

Today I finally launched my eCourse where you can learn how to make your blog a success.


Is Money Your Main Focus?

Is it bad to put money in the forefront of your mind if you are a blogger?

No I don’t think so. It’s a great way to escape the 9-5 work lifestyle.

But is it bad to think about make money blogging?

No at all. Most bloggers blog to make money and that’s the truth.

If you are delivering great quality contents to your blog readers and you are able to drive traffic to your blog then I guess it’s alright to think about the benefits of blogging. But where do bloggers go wrong when they focus too much on making money online? Really interesting question you might add.

I am going to help you to understand to to focus on making money while blogging and at the same time how it can captivate your mind to help destroy your blog.


The Internet Lifestyle VS The Work Lifestyle

This is a guest post by Rob Rammuny from Robswebtips where he helps others escape the 9-5 to live the Internet Lifestyle. He also has a FREE eCourse where he teaches you step-by-step how to create a profitable blog and live the Internet Lifestyle. You can follow him on Twitter @RobRammuny.

If you would like to become a guest author for WebMaster Success, please read the guest post guidelines page and sign up.

The Internet Lifestyle is the goal and desire for many bloggers to live. I’ve been living the Internet Lifestyle for quite awhile now and I must say… I love it. I couldn’t ask for anything more than what I have.  But one thing I’ve noticed over time that the Internet Lifestyle is being perceived as a walk in the park.

Today, I’m going to bring a reality check for you. I’m going to share with you what it’s like to live the Internet Lifestyle VS the Work Lifestyle and also the big debating question…  Are you ready to live the Internet Lifestyle?
