I Love My Blog. What About You?

How many of you bloggers ever said that to yourself? I Love My Blog…

You might have not said it out loud but deep down inside you, you love your blog without even knowing it.

If you didn’t love your blog then you wouldn’t be interested in writing articles for it and providing quality content for your readers. Neither would spend money to pay for your domain or hosting, or even buying a theme for your blog.

In this blog post I will discuss ways how to make other’s love your blog.


Blog Engage – A Must For All Bloggers

So it’s official that I started using BlogEngage yesterday and I must admit that I am impressed with it. I have always seen this BlogEngage thing around and I didn’t give it a try until yesterday, can you believe it.

I thought this BlogEngage was something pertaining to bloggers hooking up and getting marriage but it surely wasn’t. This is a community where you can communicate freely with other bloggers world-wide and build a great friendship.

In my previous article I wrote about Becoming A Friendly Blogger and BlogEngage is a great way to make friends online who are already bloggers.


Become A Friendly Blogger

Are you a friendly blogger? Do you try to make friends with other bloggers? Are you friendly to your blog readers?

You really need to consider these questions if you operate a blog, or if you are going to start a blog. Being friendly with other bloggers can really make blogging easy for you especially if you have blogger friends in the same niche. You could both talk about the advantages or disadvantages in your niche, the changes taking place in your niche, why you choose this niche and so on.

How do you become a friendly blogger to other bloggers, to other users on the internet and to readers of your blog?

10 Reasons Why I Love WordPress

I love to blog and I love WordPress. This is me in the picture with my iPod Touch showing an image with “I Love WordPress” on the screen.

I have been using WordPress for the past 1 month and 4 days now. I launched this blog 3 weeks and 4 days ago, and I have loved the content management system (CMS) that WordPress has.

In this post I will be stating 10 reasons why I love WordPress. I would recommend it to anybody who wants to start a blog.

Check my reason why I love WordPress.

Securing Your WordPress Blog

Is your WordPress blog secured? Is your blog spam proof and hack proof? How sure are you that it is secured?

If you are a blogger and (or) a blog owner you should be thinking about these questions. Each and every blog is prone to spammers and targeted by hackers. All they want to do is bring down your blog for there own good. If you are not protecting your blog, you might be destroying your blog.

This post came to my attention when I saw other blogs beings spammed and hacked by these “Internet Criminals”, as I call them. So I wrote this post to help those non-secured blogs get secured. I am pretty sure you don’t want your blog get hacked or spammed. Read these steps below on how you can make your blog safe from hackers and spammers.

Which Niche Should You Choose?

When it comes to choosing a niche you should be interested in the topic as well as you should have much knowledge about the topic. For example, I have chosen the topic of blogging. I have chosen this topic because I have interested in blogging and have some knowledge of blogging.

Is the niche popular?
Most new bloggers start a niche by looking at other peoples blog or website. It is not an important thing to do but it is important to choose the niche to which you are passionate about. The readers will know quickly whether the owner is really interested or not. If they came to know they will stop visiting your blog. In internet every niche has place. But they are some niche online which are most popular like money, business, etc.

Using Your Readers For Promotion

Did you know that you can use your blog readers to share your blog or post articles with others on the web? This is where promotion and free advertising comes into play. This might be a short article but this will definitely help your blog in the long run and save you a greatn deal of advertising work.

How Can I Use My Readers For Promotion?
There are alot of “quick share buttons” on many blog these days. I even use them on this blog. Well these buttons make it easier for your readers/visitors to share your articles or your blog. They can tweet your articles on Twitter, share it on Facebook, stumble it on Stumble Upon, etc. (more…)