How To Develop Good Writing Technique

When I first started out in the blog world, I used to think that I lack good writing technique. But I soon resolved this problem and it was very easy to do so. I was really concerned about my spelling, my grammar and style of writing in paragraphs.

For each of my blog post I try my very best to write over 400 words. 400 words may seem like too much but when you enjoy writing, 400 words is like nothing to write within a couple of minutes. I do this be using an introduction (state what the article is about), the body (which gives full information of the article) and then the conclusion (which would be a group discussion) to have my readers/ visitors engaging in a discussion. If you lack good writing skills this article was dedicated to help you develop an excellent writing skill.

How To Make A New Blogger Feel Welcomed To The Blogosphere

I remember when I started blogging in the early part of this year, March 2010, it felt really great stepping into the blogosphere. I was kinda new to the whole blogging thing but I knew a couple of things about blogging, because I used to read blogs and educated myself about blogging before I started my own blog.

After I started blogging and seeing so many existing bloggers, plus new bloggers, coming to my blog to leave comments, giving me a few tips and helping me to build up my blog, I felt really welcomed to the blogosphere. Thinking back on the help that I got back then made me come up with this blog post idea, and I have decided to blog about how you can make a new blogger feel welcomed to the big blogging world.

So, how can you make a new blogger feel welcomed to the blogosphere?


The Blog Engage Best Of The Guest Blogger Contest #2

I have written about BlogEngage 2 times in the past about this site being a must for all bloggers because upon joining that site, my blog traffic has doubled. I also wrote a tutorial on how to BlogEngage in your thesis theme.

This time I am writing about BlogEngage to help promote their second guest blogging contest, which is open to every blogger.

Brian, the owner of BlogEngage, announced the guest blogging contest on November 23, 2010 which is the starting date and it runs until January 01, 2011. This means the contest is for over one month.

How To Kill Your Blog Readers

Please Note: This will not literally kill your blog readers, but I used the word kill instead of annoying. 🙂 Please enjoy the article.

Personally, I fell like I’m being killed when I browse or visit certain blogs on the Internet and sometimes my first visit is usually my last visit. I hate it when I visit a blog and it seems like the blog owner does not care about how his/her blog appeals to it’s audience. Honestly it feels like they are killing me.

Check this simple equation: Killing your blog readers = killing your traffic = killing your blog!!!

Here are some ways that bloggers kill their blog readers without even knowing it.


How To Serve Up Tasty Blog Posts

We all know that blog readers are hungry and they are on the hunt for tasty blog posts. If they come to your restaurant, sorry I meant blog, and they don’t see your menu looking attractive then they will leave and visit a next blog for quality information to satisfy their appetite.

How do your prepare blog posts for your hungry readers?

In order for you to better server your readers then your blog posts have to look presentable, just like a tasty meal.

Imagine for a moment that your blog was a restaurant. Your blog, which is your restaurant, has to look presentable, your blog posts being the menu has to be eye catching and your content being the food has to be full of tasty content for your readers to fill their appetite.


Why Are Your Blog Subscribers Disappointed In You

People like to receive great spam free and articles full of information to their inbox or whatever way they have subscribed to your blog. The first place why these people became readers is because they like the information that you have provided for them on your blog. After that, these readers became subscribers because they want your information sent straight to them.

Failure to provide clean quality content and along with other stuff may make these subscribers hit the unsubscribe button, and this is because they are disappointed in both you and your blog.

Do you want to know why your subscribers are disappointed?

The Good And The Bad Of SEO

One of the most popular Internet marketing techniques used in today’s modern trends is SEO. Search Engine Optimization, or mostly known as SEO, is an Internet marketing technique mostly used to increase a website’s traffic through search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, or Bing.

Though successful compared to other forms of online advertisements, SEO involves a lot of work. Because it works with how search engines index a webpage or website in their search result pages or SERPs, SEO specialists or experts wide array of techniques and methods for search engines to believe that their websites are legitimate for a specific search query. And like other forms of Internet market, according to many SEO experts, this technique is also known for its good and bad techniques.